Welcome to MOM!

MOM prides itself on being the future of mobile health services, and web based services. Diagnostics, healthcare connection services, pharmaceuticals, block-chained health records, and much more. Remember, you can always go to MOM for help!

What we do

Since the beginning of time, everyone has gone to MOM for help! At MOM Ltd, we pride ourselves at taking this natural nurturer approach to helping you control your health.


For in browser appointments with your network, please click HERE

Network sign up

Sign up and support for patients and their providers

Easy log in features to get you going towards better well-being.
Everything all in one easy to utilize application, with more functions to come!
Alpha “Pre-Triage” technology to allow your provider a clearer idea over mobile appointments. Health and Vax record storage, new partnership with Guardian EMR! Health Information links to diabetes websites, and more!

At MOM, we agree that it is time for the standardization, and overall turf wars to end to allow patients and their providers, the final way to push their well-being, and health!

If you are an investor, or are more curious for the business pitching, please click HERE to understand more!
